Friday 13 March 2015

'My Plan Is To Have No Plan'

Recently I was chatting to a friend about what their big plan for life was. It was an ambitious question I know, but I expected him to reply with some kind of mundane answer about a job he wanted to pursue or eventually raising a family or something like that. Instead he simply replied 'My plan is to have no plan'. 

When I first heard this I thought clearly that's not a good plan, but then the question on 'why do you have to feel like you have to get somewhere in life? Why can't it be about the journey?' was raised. This is exactly the point I had been missing. 

About a year ago, I could have told you my grand plan for the next 5 years of my life. I would be in New Zealand for a year, then I would be studying theology at Exeter university for 4 years, doing a year abroad in my studies. The reality is, I didn't get into Exeter, I got into Westminster. I came home from New Zealand 10 months earlier than expected. And I have now withdrawn my university place altogether. 

I have no life plan, but I have never felt so relaxed and peaceful about that. Having no life plan and giving it all to God is my new life plan, and I can tell you now, it's working a damn lot better than any other plans I've tried. When I think about it, making plans for what I want is never going to work, because I'm not the only one involved. Instead, I think I'll leave God to make my plans, and I'll take each day as it comes and enjoy the freedom that comes with having no clue what tomorrow entails. 

'In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.' - Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬